Monday, April 8, 2013


Hi there internet and all 3 people that may or may not still follow this.

So it's been a while.

I missed you too.

Alright, enough with the touchy-feel-y crap, let's get down to what we're all really here for. The nitty-gritty in-your-face action that you subscribe to me to. The kind of hard hitting article that you've been dying to see for months on end.

You should probably get out more.

It's weird how everything can change and yet be so remarkably similar. I'm still doing a job that I think will ultimately be temporary and not a career. I'm living in a somewhat decent apartment again. I'm in decent shape still and sadly remain single. Also I'm still working on things that I've said I was working on years ago. It's a vicious cycle.

Mostly because I'm stuck in Act 2. Fucking Act 2.

Let me break this down for you.

I'm working on a script. It will be the next big thing guys. For serious. You will go see it. You will love it. You will buy merchandise. I will get rich. But I'm stuck on Act 2. There's this fight scene I need to push through but I've also got a few nagging issues with certain amounts of Fridge Logic that I keep thinking about and it's keeping me from pushing on. I meant to have the whole thing done and started on the sequel months ago but... Life and procrastination. My worst enemies.

Oh, and Skeletor. He knows why.

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