Thursday, March 31, 2011

A long time coming

Alright true believers, I know it's been a while since my last blog but hey, that's life.

Now where to start...

I've just recently walked back into the job market (HIRE ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD), but it isn't like I'm desperate or anything. What's a huge bummer is that the last job I had I really liked and everyone was pretty cool but, for personal reasons, I quit.

So without getting into any details let's move on to something more cheery. I noticed that ever since I graduated college I've been trying to limit my job search to places where I have family. That really hasn't worked out that great so far so I'm broadening my horizons quite literally.

But to whence doth I search? To what ends shall I send my resume? From the Atlantic to the Pacific, across the grand expanse of plains, mountains, swamps, and other Magic the Gathering mana cards! There but by the grace of the Internet do they fly across to thine hands 'o employers and Human Resource Managers!

Yeah. So I should probably get back to updating that Word document with my job history on it. Then I'll either shotgun to everyone I can possibly find or maybe I'll just make myself Recession Proof!

You know what? Let's talk about Regular Show for a little bit.

It is a cartoon that gets away with so much crap I can't believe it's not on Adult Swim. It feels like two dudes just made a hilarious cartoon that references the 80s all the time for themselves and that they totally did not have kids in mind as the target audience. THAT is why the show is so awesome.

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